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Study Material (e-SLMs) - Post Graduate

Study Material of M.A. Public Administration, Semester- III, Paper: III Disaster Management


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  Dated: 31/08/2024
1. Study material of Advanced Diploma in Disasater Management and Corporate Security, Sem-2, Paper-5 Security Awareness Programme in Corporates
2. Study material of Advanced Diploma in Disasater Management and Corporate Security, Sem-2, Paper-4 Dynamic of Corporate Security
3. Study material of Advanced Diploma in Health, Family Welfare and Population Education, Sem-2, Paper-4 Population Policies
4. Study material of Advanced Diploma in Health, Family Welfare and Population Education, Sem-2, Paper-3 Issues and Problems of Population
5. Study material of Advanced Diploma in Health, Family Welfare and Population Education, Sem-2, Paper-2 Family Welfare
6. Study material of Advanced Diploma in Health, Family Welfare and Population Education, Sem-2, Paper-1 Environmental Health
7. Study Material of Advance Diploma in Computer Application, Semester-II, ADCA - 2104, Computer Based Accounting
8. Study Material of Advance Diploma in Computer Application, Semester-II, ADCA – 2103 Software Engineering
9. Study Material of Advance Diploma in Computer Application, Semester-II, ADCA-2102, Web Technologies
10. Study Material of Advance Diploma in Computer Application, Semester-II, ADCA-2101, Object Oriented Concepts Using C++ and Java
11. Study Material of M.A. Semester IV History, Paper: Socio – Religions Reform Movement in Modern India
12. Study Material of M.A. Semester IV History, Paper: Religious Developments in Medieval India
13. Study Material of M.A. Semester IV History, Paper: History and Historical Method
14. Study Material of M.A. Semester IV History, Paper: Punjab in Twentieth Century
15. Study Material of M.A. Semester II History, Paper: China and Japan
16. Study Material of M.A. Semester II History, Paper: History of USA (1820-1973)
17. Study Material of M.A. Semester II History, Paper: Agrarian Economy of Ancient India
18. Study Material of M.A. Semester II History, Paper: Punjab in the Eighteenth Century
19. Study Material of Advanced Diploma in Library Automation & Networking, Semester - II, Paper LAN-05, DIGITAL LIBRARY AND CONTENT MANAGEMENT
20.  Study Material of Advanced Diploma in Library Automation & Networking, Semester - II, Paper - Web Based Resources
21. Study material of MA Economics, Sem-3, Paper- GDP (iii)
22. Study material of MA Economics, Sem-3, Paper- GDP (ii)
23. Study material of MA Economics, Sem-3, Paper- GDP(i)
24. Study material of MA Economics, Sem-3, Paper- 2 QTM Block-II (i)
25. Study material of MA Economics, Sem-3, Paper- 2 QTM Block-II (i)
26. Study material of MA Economics, Sem-3, Paper- Economics of Polulation
27. Study Material of Advance Diploma in Social Work Semester-1, Paper I: Origin and Development of Social Work
28. Study Material of M.A. Semester I Political Science, Paper: I WESTERN POLITICAL THOUGHT-I
29. Study Material of M.A. Semester I Political Science, Paper: II (Key Concepts in Political Analysis)
30. Study Material of M.A. Semester I Sociology, Paper: Paper R 413 Sociology of Development
31. Study Material of M.A. Semester III Education, Paper: EDUCATION TECHNOLOGY
32. Study Material of M.A. Semester III Education, Paper: GUIDANCE & COUNSELLING
33. Study Material of M.A. Semester III Education, Paper: History and Contemporary Issues of Indian Education
34. Study Material of M.A. Semester III Education, Paper: CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT
35. Study Material of Advanced Diploma in Mass Communication Semester -I, ADMC-105, PRACTICAL ASSIGNMENTS-1
36. Study Material of Advanced Diploma in Mass Communication Semester -I, ADMC-104, ADVERTISING & PUBLIC RELATIONS-1
37. Study Material of Advanced Diploma in Mass Communication Semester -I, ADMC-103, RADIO & TV COMMUNICATION - I
38. Study Material of Advanced Diploma in Mass Communication Semester -I, ADMC-102, BASICS OF PRINT JOURNALISM
39. Study Material of Advanced Diploma in Mass Communication Semester -I, ADMC-101, INTRODUCTION TO COMMUNICATION
40. Study Material of M.A. Semester III Political Science, Paper: Comparative Politics II Understanding Developing Societies
41. Study Material of Advanced Diploma in Library Automation & Networking, Semester - I, LAN – 01 Basics of Computers and Network Technology
42. Study Material of M.A. Semester III Political Science, PAPER: XII Public Administration Opt. (H)
43. Study Material of Advanced Diploma in Library Automation & Networking, Semester - I, LAN - 02 LIBRARY AUTOMATION
44. Study Material of M.A. Semester I Sociology, Paper SOC R 412 Sociology of Family and Gender
45. Study Material of M.A. Semester I Sociology, PAPER :SOC R 411, HISTORY OF SOCIAL THOUGHT
46. Study Material of Advanced Diploma in Social Work, Semester - I, PAPER II: BASIC CONCEPTS IN SOCIAL WORK
47. Study Material of Advanced Diploma in Social Work, Semester - I, PAPER-III RESEARCH METHODS IN SOCIAL WORK
48. Study Material of M.A. Semester III Political Science, Public International Law - l
49. Study Material of M.A. Semester III Political Science, PAPER-IX (INDIAN POLITICAL THOUGHT)
50. Study Material of M.A. Semester I Political Science, PAPER : III Indian Politics : Institutions at Work
51. Study material of Advanced Diploma in Human Rights and Duties, Sem-1, Paper I : Fundamentals of Human Rights & Duties
52. Study material of Advanced Diploma in Human Rights and Duties, Sem-1, Paper- IV Research Methodology
53. Study Material of M.A. Semester I Political Science, Paper IV: INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS : AN HISTORICAL OVERVIEW
54. Study material of MA Economics, Sem-1, Paper- 4 International Economics
55. Study material of MA Economics, Sem-1, Paper- 3 QTM Block-II (ii)
56. Study material of MA Economics, Sem-1, Paper- 3 QTM Block-II (i)
57. Study material of MA Economics, Sem-1, Paper- 3 QTM Block-I
58. Study material of MA Economics, Sem-1, Paper- 2- Macro Economics
59. Study material of MA Economics, Sem-1, Paper-1- Micro Economics
60. Study material of Advanced Diploma in Human Rights and Duties, Sem-1, Paper-III
61. Study material of Advanced Diploma in Human Rights and Duties, Sem-1, Paper-II
62. Study material of Advanced Diploma in Statistics, Sem-1, Paper-4
63. Study material of Advanced Diploma in Statistics, Sem-1, Paper-3
64. Study material of Advanced Diploma in Statistics, Sem-1, Paper-2
65. Study material of Advanced Diploma in Statistics, Sem-1, Paper-1
66. Study material of M.A. English, Semester- III, Paper- Research Methods
67. Study material of M.A. English, Semester- III, Paper- World Literature -I
68. Study material of M.A. English, Semester- III, Paper- Critical Theory-I
69. Study material of M.A. English, Semester- III, Paper- Indian literature in English
70. Study material of M.A. English, Semester- III, Paper - American Literature-I
71. Study material of M.A. English, Semester- I, Paper - British Literature-II
72. Study material of M.A. English, Semester- I, Paper - British Literature-I
73. Study material of M.A. English, Semester- I, Paper -Approaches to Literary Criticism-I
74. Study material of M.A. English, Semester- I, Paper -Literary Movements
75. Study Material of M.A. Public Administration, Semester- III, Paper: Public Health Policy and Administration
76. Study Material of M.A. Public Administration, Semester- I, Paper: Indian Administration
77. Study Material of M.A. Public Administration, Semester- III, Paper: Social System and Welfare Administration
78. Study Material of M.A. Public Administration, Semester- I, Paper: Citizen- Centric Administration
79. Study Material of M.A. Public Administration, Semester- I, Paper: Administrative Theory
80. Study Material of M.A. Public Administration, Semester- I, Paper: Environment Administration
81. Study Material of M.A. Public Administration, Semester- I, Paper: III COMPARATIVE AND DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION
82. Study Material of M.A. Public Administration, Semester- I, Paper: Environment Administration
83. Study Material of M.A. Punjabi, Semester- I , Paper-I, Punjabi Noval da Adhiyan
84. Study Material of M.A. Punjabi, Semester- III, Paper -IX Bhasha Vigyan or Punjabi Bhasha
85. Study Material of Advanced Diploma in Disaster Management and Corporate Security Semester - I, PAPER-II : HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT
86. Study Material of Advance Diploma in Disaster Management and Corporate Security Semester - I, Paper -I DEFENCE &STRATEGIC STUDIES
87. Study Material of Advance Diploma in Disaster Management and Corporate Security Semester - I, Paper III- Disaster Security Planning
88. Study Material of MBA Semester I, Paper: Workshop on Business Research (MBA6108)
89. Study Material of MBA Semester I, Paper: WORKSHOP ON BUSINESS COMPUTING(MBA 6106)
90. Study Material of MBA Semester I, Paper: MARKETING MANAGEMENT (MBA 6105)
91. Study Material of MBA Semester I, Paper: Organizational Behaviour (MBA 6104)
92. Study Material of MBA Semester I, Paper: MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING (MBA 6103)
93. Study Material of MBA Semester I, Paper: BUSINESS STATISTICS (MBA6102)
94. Study Material of MBA Semester I, Paper: BUSINESS ECONOMICS (MBA 6101)
95. Study Material of M.A. Sociology, Semester- III, Paper: SOC O 632, SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT IN INDIA
96. Study Material of M.A. Sociology, Semester- III, Paper: R 426 Methodology of Social Research
97. Study Material of M.A. Sociology, Semester- I, Paper: R 414 : SOCIAL STRATIFICATION
98. Study Material of M.A. Sociology, Semester- III, Paper: Paper O 934 SOCIOLOGY OF CRIME
99. Study Material of M.A. Sociology, Semester- III, Paper: SOC R 438 Interpretive Sociological Theories
100. Study Material of Advanced Diploma in Social Work Semester - I, Paper-IV: Social Work Practicum and Supervision
101. Study Material of MBA Semester III, Paper: Advertising and Consumer Behaviour (MBA7141)
102. Study Material of MBA Semester III, Paper: Management Control System (MBA7125)
103. Study Material of MBA Semester III, Paper: Business Process Reengineering (MBA7133)
104. Study Material of MBA Semester III, Paper: Product Innovation in Technology Business (MBA7132)
105. Study material of Advanced Diploma in Health, Family Welfare and Population Education, Sem-1, Paper-4 Population Dynamics
106. Study material of Advanced Diploma in Health, Family Welfare and Population Education, Sem-1, Paper-3 Reproductive Health
107. Study material of Advanced Diploma in Health, Family Welfare and Population Education, Sem-1, Paper-2 Health Education
108. Study material of Advanced Diploma in Health, Family Welfare and Population Education, Sem-1, Paper-1 Fundamentals of Population Education
109. Study Material of MBA Semester III, Paper: Labour Legislation -1 (MBA7151)
110. Study Material of MBA Smester III, Paper: Marketing Research and Product (MBA7143)
111. Study Material of M.A. History, Semester- III, Paper: National Movement in India 1858 - 1947
112. Study Material of M.A. History, Semester- III, Paper: Cultural History of Ancient India
113. Study Material of M.A. History, Semester- III, Paper: Rise and Growth of Colonialism in India
114. Study Material of M.A. History, Semester- III, Paper: Punjab in the Nineteenth century (Compulsory)
115. Study Material of M.A. History, Semester- I, Paper: Modern India: Political Processes
116. Study Material of M.A. History, Semester- I, Paper: Medieval India: Political Processes
117. Study Material of M.A. History, Semester- I, Paper: Ancient India: An Overview
118. Study Material of M.A. History, Semester- I, Paper: The Punjab (mid- fifteenth to seventeenth centuries)

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